84% of organizations expect to have a shortage of qualified leaders by 2023.
Leadership development is a top priority for healthcare talent management, and for good reason: vacancies are far outpacing the number of qualified candidates ready to take on these roles. While 89% of organizations cite retention as one of their key strategic obligations, only 36% say they have a formal retention strategy in place. Furthermore, according to a Brandon Hall Group study, 84% of organizations expect to have a shortage of qualified leaders by 2023. Baby boomers are aging out of the workforce and many organizations are experiencing high turnover.
Healthcare talent management professionals are beginning to realize the immediate need for leadership development if they wish to fill their most critical positions. Dave Wilkins, CMO of Healthcare Source, urges organizations to consider the following trends in the context of their leadership development plans: Holistic thinking, succession planning, leadership assessment, career pathing, training and development planning, mentoring and coaching, and staying ahead of the curve.
The lack of skilled healthcare professionals is perhaps the biggest obstacle healthcare management faces today — and it’s only likely to grow larger as more baby boomers retire. Leadership candidates, in particular, will be highly sought after and hard to come by. To stay ahead and meet organizational needs, many healthcare management professionals recognize the need to identify and develop high-potential talent from within. As we head into 2020, we will surely see organizations more fully embrace leadership development as they recognize the extreme importance of it.
How We Can Help
We take the time to get to know our partners, so that we can effectively unite their recruitment objectives with creative solutions.
Workforce Development Planning
HWNY partners with local Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) to provide boots-on-the-ground, community-based outreach and engagement services.
Integrated Recruitment Campaigns
HWNY’s technology development team can design and develop a mobile accessible website that has the ability to connect, track, and engage the future workforce.
HWNY can help you create authentic media that tells your story, promotes your culture, and spreads your impact.
immersive experiences
Community-based workforce development programs are designed to immerse health professionals in underserved communities.
Career Pathways
A unique interactive way for individuals to identify local opportunities to explore, experience, practice, study, and work in a specific health career.
Community & Strategic Partner Connections
HWNY can connect and engage organizations/groups to further each other’s goals and objectives. Collectively, it is the advancement of shared mission.
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