In 2014, the New York State Department of Health allocated $245M through March 2020 for the workforce development of the long term care sector. In 2017, Ladders to Value (LTV) was identified as a Workforce Investment Organization to oversee managed long-term care plans in certain regions of New York State to drive recruitment, retraining, and redeployment efforts.
To integrate the administration and management of workforce initiatives occurring across the state, LTV has provided streamlined solutions within their own network that make it easy for their training vendors to manage their training delivery. This new experience provided to training vendors allows for the acceleration of impact numbers and reduction in the time and cost needed to administer and report on them.
After LTV had a streamlined process in place where they could collect and track in-person trainings among long-term care employees across their entire state-wide network, certain administrative burdens arose in the presence of so much data. In order for LTV to grow into other workforce initiatives such as recruitment and retention, it needed to offload the burden of tracking and reporting and find an automated, yet safe solution for empowering employers and training vendors to self-manage more.
Anticipating this need, HWNY consulted with LTV on potential solutions for addressing the burden. The idea for a custom-built level of access for training vendors to access the workforce platform was conceived and soon implemented. As a solution, the vendor’s dashboard provides a first-class experience for training vendors to easily schedule their training sessions, upload participant rosters, verify completed sessions, and deliver assessments and surveys all in one easy-to-use interface. The solution was piloted with two training vendors and is soon being launched state-wide.
The vendor dashboard was implemented ahead of schedule to two vendors and adopted as a better data management solution. So far, the vendor dashboard as a solution to provide a better experience for vendors in scheduling and managing trainings has seen excellent time-saving success.