- By the year 2025, roughly 75% of the global workforce will be Millennials.
- Nearly 70% of employees are not actively engaged in their work.
- Quantum Workplace surveyed 75,000 employees across the U.S. and discovered that within the healthcare industry, you’ll find some of the most disengaged employees in the nation. Specifically, after profiling 17 industries, healthcare ended up in last place for employee engagement.
- A disengaged employee costs a company approximately $2,246.
- The total economic impact of employee disengagement in the US is between $450 billion and $550 billion per year.
- There are 20 million employees (making up approximately 18% of the American workforce) who are actively disengaged.
- Technology can solve the healthcare industry’s employee engagement crisis.
- An immediately actionable technology solution for healthcare employers is to deploy an integrated engagement platform, which allows for the large proportion of remote and frontline healthcare employees—as well as traveling staff—to remain solidly engaged in the organization.
- The more highly engaged hospital nurses experienced superior patient outcomes (i.e., decreased mortality rates), with the less engaged nurses seeing an increase in patient mortality rates. The researchers determined that the engagement level of nurses was the number-one factor where patient mortality was concerned, beating out even variables like the number of nurses per patient day.
- Engaged employees feel better about their work and their organization; those who are highly engaged (regardless of industry) are nearly 40 percent more likely to have above average productivity.
- Employee engagement is directly tied to corporate profits. Dale Carnegie research showed companies whose workers are engaged outperform those with a poorly engaged workforce by 202%.
- Of the workforce, 29% of employees are engaged, 45% of employees are not engaged, and 26% of employees are actively disengaged. In other words, 71% of the workforce is not engaged.

Facts Healthcare HR Need to Know
We are a nonprofit workforce development strategy & design agency helping organizations create human-centered workforce development solutions so they can grow, recruit, and retain an engaged, diverse and thriving workforce.
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